Human beings aren’t designed to be stagnant; we are meant to continue growing in ourselves throughout our lifetime. As we age and encounter new experiences, key parts of ourselves, like our mindset and way of thinking, begin to change. No one would claim that they are the same person they were when they were ten, fifteen, or even twenty, and the person we are in the future will differ from who we are today.
These transformations make the human experience so beautiful and fulfilling, but truly encountering them requires a deeper understanding of who you are at your core.
If you don’t know yourself, you can’t hope to appreciate the changes you experience. Let’s delve deeper into the concepts of self-discovery and personal growth, along with addressing actionable steps you can take to start your self-discovery journey.
Exploring Self Discovery & Personal Growth
The Significance of Self-Discovery
Self-discovery can seem scary and overwhelming, but when you take time to look inside yourself and meet yourself where you are, you can begin opening doors to new experiences you never thought possible.
The first step can often be the most challenging since it requires you to face some parts of yourself you may not like: self-awareness. Self-awareness allows you to make an objective evaluation of yourself, regulate your emotions, align your values with your behaviors, and clearly understand how you are perceived by others. In other words, self-awareness is the ability to interpret your thoughts, actions, and feelings objectively.
Multiple PubMed studies concluded that self-awareness “can enhance reflective self-development, acceptance, and proactivity while minimizing related emotional costs.” The results clearly showed that a comprehensive understanding of yourself is the key to meaningful self-development.
Additionally, self-awareness leads to personal acceptance, a feat that, unfortunately, many people fail to obtain. Close your eyes for a moment and picture how your life would look if you truly accepted yourself. Think about how you would feel if you were at peace with the person you are.
Now, acceptance is a rather nuanced topic since it’s often misused as a way to pardon bad behavior. Self-acceptance does not mean writing off toxic or abusive behaviors, compromising on an unhealthy lifestyle, or settling for a life half-lived.
Instead, acceptance means realizing your innate worth, while recognizing your flaws and refusing to be defined by them. Accepting all parts of yourself is one of the most powerful steps you can take on your road to self-discovery.
Self-discovery is a direct contributing factor to fulfillment. The old saying rings true: life is about the journey and not the destination. Embracing each step of your growth as you go will lead you to a greater sense of accomplishment and pride in who you are.
The Process of Self-Discovery
Self-discovery doesn’t happen at once; it takes mindful practice and patience to achieve. Like anything worthwhile, work is involved, but in the end, you are rewarded with the peace that comes from total contentment in yourself. What does this process look like? Let’s explore the answer below.
Reflecting on your values and beliefs
What do you believe? For some, this may be a simple question; for others, it’s more complicated. Our beliefs and values drive everything we do, acting as a private sounding board for our morality.
When mentioning belief and values, faith is often tied hand in hand. While believing in a greater power, whether that be God, the universe, or fate, is a fundamental part of some people’s identity, it isn’t a necessary prerequisite for strong values. Determining what guides your moral compass will help you understand why and how you perceive right from wrong.
From there, you can assess your values and what matters to you.
For example, say you believe staying faithful to your partner is morally right and cheating is wrong. From that core belief, you can determine your values by creating a broader umbrella. A natural extension may be valuing family and relationships as a whole, which could influence who you spend your time with and how you treat those around you.
Everyone’s values are different, but understanding your own is an instrumental part of self-discovery.
Identifying strengths and weaknesses
We all have areas where we excel and those where we struggle, and that’s okay! Too often, we put too much pressure on ourselves to succeed in everything we do, but that standard is unachievable. If everyone were good at the same things, society would crumble; we need people with different talents to ensure thriving communities.
Take some time to get real with yourself, identifying your strengths and confronting your weaknesses. This process is often challenging since it forces us to face our flaws and embrace our humanity, but it can also be liberating and freeing. Allow yourself to face the good and bad head-on so you can start nurturing your strengths and reach your full potential.
Exploring passions and interests
What do you feel passionate about? Is there anything that drives and excites you? Maybe you can’t think of anything you’re passionate about, but there are things you’re interested in and would like to explore more closely.
Spending time away from work and the responsibilities that come with everyday life and pursuing your passions or interests gives life meaning. Think of it like animals in a zoo who are given enrichment activities; if you don’t take time to relax and stimulate your mind, you will feel like you’re trapped.
If you’re struggling to think of a passion, why not make a list of interests you may like to pursue and try one every week or month? It may be hard to start, but once you do, it will help motivate you and make your life fuller.
Facing fears and overcoming obstacles
We all have fears that keep us up at night. Whether it’s a health concern, finances, relationships, or a million other possibilities, these fears are very real and very scary. The truth of the matter is that the “what if” scenarios we create are often worse than the way circumstances play out.
However, even when they’re not, holding onto fear is a surefire way to stop your personal growth in its tracks. Obstacles and fear in life are unavoidable, and they are never fun. But when you face them head-on, you can begin discovering a strength you may not know you have, which will help you not only overcome but thrive.
Read More about Personal Growth
Tools and Techniques for Self-Discovery
Now that you see what the process of self-discovery looks like, you’re probably wondering how to achieve each step. These tools and techniques will help you on your journey, acting as mechanisms of success you can use again and again.
1. Journaling and self-reflection
If you’ve ever spoken to a therapist, chances are they’ve suggested journaling to help you express your thoughts and emotions, and for good reason. Journaling gives you a safe space to communicate your ideas, fears, and feelings.
When paired with self-reflection, something amazing can happen. Seeing your analysis of yourself written out can flip a switch in your mind, helping you put all the pieces together for who you are and why you do the things you do. As with virtually every aspect of self-discovery, it can take time, but if you’re consistent, you can uncover hidden parts of yourself and get to know who you are on a deeper level.
2. Mindfulness and meditation practices
Let’s face it; the world is loud and inundates you with messages non-stop. It can be impossible to hear your own voice among the crowd, making it hard to maintain your values. Taking time out of your day to practice mindfulness and meditation calms the noise and allows you to reconnect with yourself.
Just like you do check-ins with your partner to ensure you are on the same page and your relationship is solid, you should devote time to caring for your mind and body through daily mindfulness exercises.
3. Seeking feedback from others
The truth is it’s not easy to gain an objective view of who you are since we all create ideal self-images in our heads. Seeking feedback from a trusted confidant is an excellent way to see yourself from a new angle. While some of the constructive criticism may be hard to hear, know that it’s coming from a place of love and presents the opportunity to work on parts of yourself that you may not have realized otherwise.
4. Reading and learning from different perspectives
There is so much wisdom out there for those who are willing to seek it, which is why seeking to learn different perspectives can be so empowering. Unfortunately, society has spread the lie that disagreeing with someone or seeing things differently than they do is a form of hate or intolerance when, in reality, being able to see another’s perspective is the key to true tolerance and acceptance.
That extends to yourself as well; when you are forced to challenge your beliefs and values against another’s, it either strengthens them or reveals a new way of thinking that better aligns with the person you’re becoming. Don’t be afraid to read and learn more about what other people think and believe; open-mindedness is a valuable, yet often underused, tool.
Embracing Challenges and Setbacks
While no one wants to experience setbacks in life, it’s during these times when we grow the most. Humans are fickle creatures; when things are going well, we tend to get complacent, and it isn’t until we encounter an obstacle that we wake up and take a look at our surroundings.
Challenges encourage personal growth by forcing us to tap into our strengths and keep moving forward. Nothing is ever wasted, whether it’s a failure or a mistake; each setback is a learning opportunity we can take with us along our journey. A few strategies you can use to overcome obstacles or setbacks include:
- Keeping a positive attitude
- Expect to feel discomfort
- Be accountable
- Accept constructive feedback
- Connect with others
- Keep moving forward
While it may hurt, challenges are an opportunity to enter the next level of your personal growth journey, bringing you one step closer to the best version of yourself.
Read More: Breaking Free From the People-Pleasing Trap
Seeking Support and Guidance
We aren’t meant to go through life together; being a part of a community is essential to growth. Mentors and life coaches are excellent for guiding and teaching, providing advice, and helping you navigate your journey. Additionally, having a strong network of like-minded individuals who will walk alongside you is an invaluable resource that will provide support and encouragement when you need it most.
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There are times when you can benefit from receiving professional help. Counselors and therapists can help if you feel stuck and need help getting to the next level. Having an objective sounding board that offers helpful advice can reduce stress and anxiety while providing comfort and reassurance.
Starting your self-discovery journey is exciting (and a little scary), but the results are so rewarding. When you’re ready to begin, these steps can help you get off on the right path:
- Confront your fears
- Try something new
- Visualize who you want to be
- Step outside your comfort zone
- Journal your journey
- Connect with trusted friends and family
- Feed your curiosity
We’d love to hear about your experiences and insights from your self-discovery journey, so please leave them in the comments below. Remember, personal growth happens one day at a time, and your journey to self-discovery is a marathon, not a race! With perseverance and patience, you can become your ideal self and love the person you see in the mirror.
Resources For Self Discovery & Personal Growth
Check out these resources to help you on your journey:
Soul Therapy Journal
The Essential Enneagram
How To Meet Yourself
Life Kit Podcast
Thought Catalog
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